BOROLINE's Suthol Body Hygiene Liquid -100ml
- Merchant : Ajker Shopping
- CATEGORY: Beauty Products
*Made in India -সুথল দিয়ে ফুসকুড়ি, জ্বালা, চুলকানি, থেকে মুক্তি পান -ত্বকের জ্বালাপোড়া শান্ত করার সর্বোত্তম উপায় হল সুথল স্প্রে ব্যবহার করা -কাটা এবং ক্ষতগুলিতে সুথল অ্যান্টিসেপটিক তরল ব্যবহার করুন। এটা রক্তপাত বন্ধ করে এবং কাটা নিরাময়ে সাহায্য করে।
BOROLINE's Suthol Body Hygiene Liquid acts as an antibacterial/antifungal agent and gives relief from itches, summer rashes/ prickly heat.Being liquid Suthol penetrates deep within skin carrying its healing and protective ingredients to provide you with the best protection and relief against skin problems.Summer Heat brings with it many skin problems- Prickly Heat, Rashes, itches, skin irritations. Suthol antiseptic skin liquid provides the best relief from all these skin troubles. Go through the Ingredient details of Suthol and see how each component in Suthol has been carefully selected to help your skin remain fresh and trouble- free during summer.
It has bactericidal activity against Gram positive and at a higher concentration, against some Gram negative organisms. It is an antiseptic that is active against Gram positive and Gram negative organisms. Prevents rashes, infections, itching and redness of skin. Also known for its natural antiseptic, antifungal property and healing qualities. It helps in speeding up wound healing and assists in restoring damaged skin. It helps to relieve insect bite irritations as well as other related skin conditions.
Break free from the Rashes, Irritation, Itch-scratch-itch Cycle, with Suthol
- As the best After-shave lotion that is soothing & effective– use Suthol antiseptic liquid daily
- Post waxing, the best way to calm down the skin burning is to use Suthol liquid
- Use Suthol antiseptic liquid on cuts and wounds. It stops bleeding and helps heal the cut.
- Monsoon dampness encourages fungal, allergies and parasitic skin infections. Use Suthol Neem antiseptic liquid or Suthol Chandan Antiseptic liquid to prevent Monsoon skin problems. Check out the 5 Monsoon skin tips for problem-free skin.
- Keep skin beneath tight undergarments, shirt collars, belts & socks- Itch free, Clean and Refreshed
- Spray Suthol antiseptic liquid after bathing or mix in bath water.